Episode 120: Rosie Kay Believes in The Power of the Arts

Rosie Kay is a dancer, choreographer, “old-school feminist”, and co-founder of Freedom In The Arts in the UK. Both cancelled and resurrected, she’s also a fascinating and articulate speaker. She joined the Dorx back in November to talk about dance, brains, arts organizations, making controversial work, the “theater of dehumanization,” liberal values and their discontents, artificial intelligence, Choreography 101, pattern recognition, awkwardness, the decline of physical culture, disembodiment, COVID, dance vs. visual art, arts education, physical education, soldiering, tennis, walking, cycling, and the taboo of excellence. It took us a while to release this episode because at least one of us was paralyzed in a winter slough of despond, but it was worth the wait. 


Adult Female Dancer by Rosie Kay: https://youtu.be/1BJvbsnCEB8?si=sx7m3AyOo5REJTI7

Rosie Kay’s dance company K2Co: https://k-2co.com/

Freedom in the Arts: https://www.freedominthearts.com/