Episode 142: The Age of Bourgeois Guilt with Gary Saul Morson

Before White Guilt afflicted American liberals, the Russian intelligentsia set a precedent of their own. Famous professor of Russian literature Gary Saul Morson joins the Dorx to talk about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s literary masterpiece The Gulag Archipelago, which leads to so much more: the self-hatred of educated people; political orthodoxy; peer monitoring; doublethink; whether consciously telling falsehoods is lying; neurodivergence; literary appropriation; terrorism as a career path; the charisma of ruthlessness; and Nina’s fetish for shoe polish. Solzhenitsyn saw the US heading in the same direction as Soviet Russia, and if you listen to this episode you might too.


Prof. Gary Saul Morson: https://slavic.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/morson-gary-saul.html

The Masterpiece of Our Time: on The Gulag Archipelago at 50: https://newcriterion.com/article/the-masterpiece-of-our-time/

Morning After the Revolution by Nellie Bowles: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/678113/morning-after-the-revolution-by-nellie-bowles/

The Age of White Guilt by Shelby Steele: https://www.cir-usa.org/2002/11/the-age-of-white-guilt-and-the-disappearance-of-the-black-individual/

Mosaic of Minds blog: https://mosaicofmindss.substack.com/

Living My Life by Emma Goldman: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-living-my-life

The God That Failed: https://chinhnghia.com/the-god-that-failed.pdf

Wonder Confronts Certainty by Gary Saul Morson: https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674971806

Episode 141: No More Mrs. Nice Guy with Candice Jackson

Proud Heterodork and super-smart lawyer Candice Jackson is so done dispensing with niceties. Returning 2 years after our first interview, she lays out how gender identity erases sex, skepticism of “third spaces,” obstacles in classifying gender ideology as a religion, what the Legislative and Executive branches of the US government are supposed to be doing, how modern modern “identity” is dissociated from the material world, the abuse and social contagion of suicide threats, the limits of compassion, and our collective need to return to reality and objectivity. Corinna is sarcastic as always, Nina milks our running gag about genocide-by-pronoun, and our discussion of the upcoming presidential election is already dated. Lots of interesting and provocative ideas in this one!


Candice Jackson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CEJacksonLaw

Our 2022 Candice Jackson interview: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-62-gender-government-and-law-with-candice-jackson/

Corinna addresses a father who transitioned his toddler: https://x.com/heterodorx/status/1793276150271140212

Episode 140: Armed and Gay and Running for President with Chase Oliver

Libertarian Party candidate for US President Chase Oliver forced a runoff election in Georgia in 2022, is a former Democrat, loves guns, hates taxes, was disappointed in Obama, is the first openly gay presidential candidate on most ballots, is dyslexic and dysgraphic, likes audiobooks, would like to weaken the office of President, will be 39 in August, wants government out of education (and pretty much everything else), supports the harm reduction model of addition management, implies the free market will solve everything, and sounds like a politician. Cori earnestly tries to convince Oliver of the problems of medicalizing “trans kids”; Nina pleads for protections for individuals and asks if Pacifism is a luxury belief; and our interview is briefly interrupted by a power outage.

This is the first in our series of Heterodorx Interviews With US Presidential Candidates. We’re waiting for the Trump and Biden campaigns to get in touch so we can finish.


Find Chase @chaseforliberty on all major social media platforms

Chase Oliver website: https://www.votechaseoliver.com/

Chase Oliver 2024 Explained Illustrate to Educate video: https://youtu.be/pGh2cYIPWsI?si=4xDXcoiqb6z4z_oI

Against Intellectual Property by Stephan Kinsella: https://mises.org/library/book/against-intellectual-property

Our Stephan Kinsella episode: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-10-i-p-everywhere-featuring-guest-heterodork-stephan-kinsella/

Nina’s IndyGoGo canceling: https://blog.ninapaley.com/2023/01/06/indiegogo-cancels-agents-of-h-a-g/

Episode 139: Ideology Obscuring Orientation with Jules Louise

Jules Louise was same-sex attracted, but more importantly she wanted to be a Good Person and “safe space for others” — so wound up married to a man. How did that happen? In this nuanced, heartfelt, and open conversation, Jules recalls her indoctrination into an ideology which destabilized her understanding of the world and herself, and her later emergence, along with that of her husband, detransitioned autogynephile Ray Alex Williams. We discuss Social Justice Camp, the Five Isms, hormones, polyamory, crossdressing vs dressing in crosses, internalized homophobia, Marxist Feminist analysis, the importance of material reality, phenomena, reconceptualizing vulnerability, and leaving the cult of gender for the cult of Taylor Swift. Plus: Cori correctly guesses the sex of a “they,” Nina is a cruel and horrible person who will never be invited to dinner at some people’s houses, and a proposed TERF-Tranny Christmas in July!


Our Ray Alex Williams episode: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-121-unblinded-by-the-light-with-ray-alex-williams/

Gender: A Wider Lens: https://www.widerlenspod.com/

Phenomena: https://youtu.be/Dnk0Be4a0aw?si=n-Q4Au7QE8_i1eqy

Our Jamie Reed episode: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-126-mitigating-the-damage-with-jamie-reed/

Nina’s Sex-Pozzie Memoirs: https://4w.pub/sex-pos-memoirs/

The Man Who Would Be Queen by Michael Bailey (free PDF): https://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/JMichael-Bailey/TMWWBQ.pdf

Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici: https://www.akpress.org/calibanandthewitch.html

The Lesbian Heresy: a Feminist Perspective by Sheila Jeffreys: https://sheila-jeffreys.com/book/the-lesbian-heresy-a-feminist-perspective/


For more information about RISE on The Land for WOMEN, email Char at riseontheland2020s@gmail.com

Episode 138: The Gospel of Disenchantment with Corinna and Nina

Cori and Nina visit Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and witness several miracles, including light tailwinds both directions of Nina’s 168-mile bike trip, not having to play Spirit Island, and an epiphany or two while praying the rosary. Will Cori minister to the trannies? Is Nina distinguishable from a Sister of Providence? Have you heard the Good News about Reality? An impromptu recording we just made while catching up this afternoon.


Death Before Detransition: https://corinnacohn.substack.com/p/death-before-detransition-yes

Episode 137: Man of Steele with Eli Steele

Eli Steele’s documentaries challenge narratives favored by guilty white liberals such as Nina before she got canceled by her own tribe. His latest, Killing America, connects the demise of honors classes and other merit incentives in US schools, with the rise of “liberation ideologies,” antisemitism, and the erasure of history. We discuss The Age of White Guilt by Eli’s father, Shelby Steele; feminism; indulgences; fraudulent copyright claims; Hamas; Israel; sandworms; alternative film distribution; and Jews on Pluto. Born profoundly deaf, Steele has a “deaf accent” that may require extra attention to understand, but his ideas are unusually clear.


What killed Michael Brown: https://whatkilledmichaelbrown.com/

Killing America: https://x.com/Hebro_Steele/status/1776396571699294718?lang=en

The Age of White Guilt: https://blog.ninapaley.com/2019/08/18/the-age-of-white-guilt-and-the-disappearance-of-the-black-individual-by-shelby-steele/

Sita Sings the Blues: https://www.sitasingstheblues.com/watch.html

Man of Steele Productions: https://www.manofsteeleproductions.com/

The Internet Archive: https://archive.org/

Episode 136: Palestinian Heterodoxy with John Aziz

British-Palestinian writer and analyst John Aziz joins the Dorx to repeat his wacky, out-there thesis: Israelis are not going anywhere, Palestinians are not going anywhere, both groups have legitimate claims to the land, and both must forge a realistic future of peace. This is unfortunately controversial. Aziz emphasizes Israel is not Vietnam or Afghanistan; offers a definition of Zionism; critiques Israel’s military actions; asserts violent video games can reduce street violence; and is gratifyingly impressed to learn Nina made the animated musical short This Land Is Mine. Plus tunnels, elevated highways, October 7th, Hamas, social contagion, identical tents, antisemitism, two goats on a land bridge, and more!


John Aziz on Twitter: https://x.com/aziz0nomics

Andy the Antizionist Heterodorx episode: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-115-ask-an-anti-zionist-with-andy-the-anti-zionist/

Episodes 134 & 135: Is Brianna Wu Based?

Is the video game developer, computer programmer, GamerGate veteran, and aspiring politician “based” for recent statements against antisemitism? To find out, the Dorx invited Wu for an interview that lasted 2-and-a-half hours and is therefore broken into two parts (if you listen to only one, make it Part Two):


A friendly conversation about eyebrows, makeup, Zionism, antisemitism, GamerGate, WPATH standards, trans civil rights, binary vs. nonbinary, philosophical questions, the TERF-Tranny Alliance, JK Rowling, holocaust denial, India Willoughby, illiberalism, Media Matters, and the Harry S Benjamin Standards of Care.


An increasingly contentious discussion of Jesse Singal, journalistic standards, changing sex, allies, public policies that are cruel to trans people, identity, dehumanization, tolerance, prejudice, the N-word, swastika flags, fringe opinions, cognitive dissonance, cancellation, and the value of trans experience. It’s a long listen, but we think this episode gives a definitive answer to the title question.

Episode 133: Butching It Up with Nina and Corinna

It would take a butcher to butch up Corinna enough to satisfy those clamoring for his detransition. Fresh from the UnSpeakeasy retreat in Louisville, the Dorx also discuss the Kohein priestly caste, street work, rimshots, shock collars, and Pronoun Ripple ice cream. Is Cori a homunculus dressed in a woman suit? How many cavities does he have? Does wearing lumberjack clothes make you a lumberjack? Can we achieve peace in the Middle East by blocking traffic in the US? Listen to this exceptionally casual episode to find out the answers, most of which are “no”.


The Lumberjack Song: https://youtu.be/FshU58nI0Ts?si=vVwQniymDpk_udP4

The UnSpeakeasy: https://www.theunspeakeasy.com/retreats

Belissa Cohen on Corinna Cohn: https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Corinna%22%20(from%3ABelissaCohen)&src=typed_query&f=live

Camp Trans: https://afterellen.com/setting-the-record-straight-about-michfest/

Urbana IL citizens push for city resolution for ceasefire in Palestine: https://www.news-gazette.com/news/after-70-speakers-are-heard-from-urbana-aldermen-pass-revised-gaza-resolution-receive-standing-ovation/article_ad04334c-f8fe-567f-a038-04aa53cdfbc7.html

This Land Is Mine: https://youtu.be/8tIdCsMufIY?si=SgipauO73mibAzKZ

Seder-Masochism: https://sedermasochism.com/download/

Gender and Nina’s local bike club: https://blog.ninapaley.com/2022/03/21/cycling-and-gender-intersect-in-meaningful-ways/

The Milgram Experiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment

Aaaron Kimberly, Alice Dreger, Alex Byrne, Holly Lawford-Smith debate: Is Sex Binary? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoT_ayxjXpg&ab_channel=MITFreeSpeechAlliance

Episode 132: A Light Unto the School Districts with Dr. Tabia Lee

What happens when an inquisitive, naturally hopeful, critical-thinking civics-oriented teacher educator gets a position in an Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education? She gets fired for not being “the right kind of Black person”, and then speaks out about it while developing better alternatives for schools. Dr. tabia lee joins the Dorx to discuss travel, authenticity, finding pride in America, critical Social Justice, racial affinity groups, “white oppressors,” DEI gangsters, infighting, bad journalism, calling in vs. calling out, emotional reasoning, pronouns, sparklefun, purple hair, and living in a dystopian science-fiction timeline. Listeners will also be treated to optimism, good humor, and multiple Hollywood-style false endings!


Tabia Lee on Twitter: https://twitter.com/11Drtlee11

DEI College Director Fired for Not Being ‘Right Kind of Black Person’: https://www.newsweek.com/dei-college-director-fired-not-being-right-kind-black-person-1813481

Free Black Thought: https://freeblackthought.com/voices/dr-tabia-lee

Do No Harm: https://donoharmmedicine.org/

Dr. t lee Educational Consultancy: http://www.drtlee.solutions/services.html

Coalition for Empowered Education: https://empowered-ed.org/about-us/

Paolo Freire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paulo_Freire

ELIZA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA

For more information about RISE on The Land for WOMEN, email Char at riseontheland2020s@gmail.com