Episode 125: TERF-Tranny Alliances with Eva Kurilova and Lois Cardinal

Canada is not merely America’s Hat; it’s also home to Eva Kurilova and Lois Cardinal, a TERF-Tranny duo rivaling the Heterodorx in both hardliner contempt and world domination. We discuss womanface, tribal identities, the sterilization of First Nations youth, aging, Feminized Eunuch Males (FEMs), Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), do-it-yourself genocide, “tru trans”, matching costumes, coerced speech, pronouns, Tide suppositories, and dubious hygiene tips. Who is the fairest handmaiden/pet troon of them all? Listen and find out!


Eva Kurilova’s Substack: https://www.evakurilova.com/

Eva on twitter: https://twitter.com/eva_kurilova

Lois on twitter: https://twitter.com/duchess_elle

Reduxx: https://reduxx.info/author/evak/

The Distance: https://www.thedistancemag.com/

Gender Dissent: https://www.genderdissent.com/

Spinster: spinster.xyz

TERF-Tranny Alliance: https://www.heterodorx.com/terftrannyalliance/

2 thoughts on “Episode 125: TERF-Tranny Alliances with Eva Kurilova and Lois Cardinal

  1. Great episode with four of my favourite X-people 🙂

    I was shocked by something Eva said – that activists in Canada think a lot *more* people should be transitioning because “the rate is 2%”. Implying they think there are so many “true-trans” people still in the closet. It explains their zeal to target children. I’m sure some of them are well-meaning, but it’s so misguided.

    Where did this 2% figure come from? Does it intersect with the 3% estimated to be gay, or as well as? (I think 3% is accurate? I used to think it was 10% but apparently that was based on the flawed studies of Kinsey).

    I think this 2% figure is another lie that has to be debunked along with the “kids will kill themselves” myth. It’s just as insidious.

  2. It’s encouraging to see people who support real trans rights and oppose the excesses.

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