Episode 125: TERF-Tranny Alliances with Eva Kurilova and Lois Cardinal

Canada is not merely America’s Hat; it’s also home to Eva Kurilova and Lois Cardinal, a TERF-Tranny duo rivaling the Heterodorx in both hardliner contempt and world domination. We discuss womanface, tribal identities, the sterilization of First Nations youth, aging, Feminized Eunuch Males (FEMs), Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), do-it-yourself genocide, “tru trans”, matching costumes, coerced speech, pronouns, Tide suppositories, and dubious hygiene tips. Who is the fairest handmaiden/pet troon of them all? Listen and find out!


Eva Kurilova’s Substack: https://www.evakurilova.com/

Eva on twitter: https://twitter.com/eva_kurilova

Lois on twitter: https://twitter.com/duchess_elle

Reduxx: https://reduxx.info/author/evak/

The Distance: https://www.thedistancemag.com/

Gender Dissent: https://www.genderdissent.com/

Spinster: spinster.xyz

TERF-Tranny Alliance: https://www.heterodorx.com/terftrannyalliance/

Episode 124: Safeguarding, Lesbophobia, and DARVO

Corinna and Nina rant and complain about the current “Gender Critical” online discourse. What is a lesbian? Is Corinna gay, or homosexual? Is DARVO a floor wax, or a dessert topping? Although we perpetuate the problem by talking about it, by the end we propose a solution. You’ll hear lots of misgendering, talk of Nina’s sex-pozzie San Francisco days (again, sorry), and references to IQ points. You won’t hear our usual intro and outro, because Nina had to edit this one while Corinna left town and couldn’t send the files. 


“Stella O’Malley on Lesbians”: https://twitter.com/iseult/status/1756099230236573970

The Lesbian Heresy by Sheila Jeffreys: https://archive.org/details/lesbianheresyfem0000jeff

Sex is real, people are weird: https://www.heterodorx.com/terftrannyalliance/

Our die-in meme: https://twitter.com/ninapaley/status/1757068677910831464

Andrew Doyle: Reflections on the Online Mob: https://andrewdoyle.substack.com/p/reflections-on-the-online-mob

Nina tries to school a teacher about pronouns: https://twitter.com/ninapaley/status/1750896492930339257

Episode 123: Alpacne! with Jennifer Lahl

Filmmaker and former pediatric nurse Jennifer Lahl’s latest short documentary, The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood, focuses on male detransitioners. We discuss film distribution, the festival circuit, crowdfunding, straight-to-online, subtitles (“How do you say ‘chopped off his penis’ in Spanish?”), the obsolescence of DVDs, Jennifer’s ex-boyfriend from her nursing school days, “trans healthcare”, the Crying Chicken Lady who says children should be driving, and Corinna’s search for teen alpacahood. Lahl alleges this is her last film (we don’t believe her) so watch it online for free right now.


The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network: https://cbc-network.org/

The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood https://youtu.be/AaiicS2HXW4?si=3CKcnEQIovXsHlQm

The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters https://youtu.be/910JVOJSM2I?si=KE4_kz_a1iWc9EY3

Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender? https://youtu.be/rUeqEoARKOA?si=zdPYT_4V-T-JF3e4

Jennifer Lahl on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JenniferLahl

Heterodorx’s Ray Alex Williams episode: https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-121-unblinded-by-the-light-with-ray-alex-williams/

Episode 122: Welcome to the Gender Wars, Dr. Gary Francione!

After Corinna complains about an obnoxious and possibly libelous article in the Washington Post, the Dorx welcome legal scholar, philosopher, vegan, and animal rights activist Dr. Gary Francione. We discuss Equality Claims vs Belief Claims, old-school transsexuals, admitting you’re wrong, Andrea Dworkin, nonviolence, intersectionality, and the principles of a liberal pluralistic society. Can we police fetishes? Who’s Afraid of Kathleen Stock? Why are vegans extra crazy? Does Corinna really not want to be a Good Person? What is “harm”? Despite Corinna disparaging young people going vegan, and Nina swearing a lot about Crohn’s disease, Dr. Francione offers a banquet of (plant-based) food for thought.


Gary Francione’s website: https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/

Gary Francione’s essay on the Trans Rights Issue: https://www.abolitionistapproach.com/the-trans-rights-issue-equality-claims-and-belief-claims/

Julie Bindel: The Unforgivable Transing of Andrea Dworkin https://juliebindel.substack.com/p/the-unforgivable-transing-of-andrea

Why Veganism Matters: The Moral Value of Animals by Gary Francione https://cup.columbia.edu/book/why-veganism-matters/9780231199612

Nina’s Gender Wars playing cards: https://store.ninapaley.com/product/gender-wars-playing-cards/

How Do I Go Vegan https://www.howdoigovegan.com/

Nina and Corinna will be guests at the Unspeakeasy retreat in Louisville, KY April 9-10! It’s for women only, even though Corinna isn’t one! Sign up and ask what organizer/host Meghan Daum was thinking: https://www.theunspeakeasy.com/2024-unspeakeasy-retreats

Episode 121: Unblinded by the Light with Ray Alex Williams

For 8 years, Ray Alex Williams claimed to be a woman, zealously promoting transgender ideology, ingesting spirolactone and exogenous estrogen, doing “a lot of twitter activism,” and writing a book about trans philosophy. In May 2023 he socially and medically detransitioned, issuing public apologies shortly thereafter. How did “Rachel Anne Williams” — who just a few years ago was so “unhinged” he made Grace Lavery “readable” in comparison — become the lucid, humble, reality-based man we hear in this interview? Listen up, because his story is jam-packed with insights. 


Ray Alex Williams on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RayAlexWilliams/

Ray Alex Williams on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RayAlexWilliams

Rachel Anne Williams takes on Kathleen Stock in 2019: https://www.peaktrans.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ThreadReader_0_transphilosophr_1132859653006680064-1.pdf

Commentary on Rachel Anne Williams taking on Kathleen Stock in 2019: https://www.peaktrans.org/a-response-to-a-response-to-doing-better-in-arguments-about-sex-gender-and-trans-rights/#more-7728

Ray Alex Williams apologizes in 2023: https://twitter.com/RayAlexWilliams/status/1735629670618399092

Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics by Rachel Anne Williams (before detransitioning to Ray Alex Williams): https://www.amazon.com/Transgressive-Trans-Gender-Feminism-Politics/dp/1785926470

Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell https://www.harpercollins.com/products/cultish-amanda-montell

Rob Henderson on Luxury Beliefs: https://www.robkhenderson.com/p/status-symbols-and-the-struggle-for

Episode 120: Rosie Kay Believes in The Power of the Arts

Rosie Kay is a dancer, choreographer, “old-school feminist”, and co-founder of Freedom In The Arts in the UK. Both cancelled and resurrected, she’s also a fascinating and articulate speaker. She joined the Dorx back in November to talk about dance, brains, arts organizations, making controversial work, the “theater of dehumanization,” liberal values and their discontents, artificial intelligence, Choreography 101, pattern recognition, awkwardness, the decline of physical culture, disembodiment, COVID, dance vs. visual art, arts education, physical education, soldiering, tennis, walking, cycling, and the taboo of excellence. It took us a while to release this episode because at least one of us was paralyzed in a winter slough of despond, but it was worth the wait. 


Adult Female Dancer by Rosie Kay: https://youtu.be/1BJvbsnCEB8?si=sx7m3AyOo5REJTI7

Rosie Kay’s dance company K2Co: https://k-2co.com/

Freedom in the Arts: https://www.freedominthearts.com/

Episode 119: Esprit de Corpse

Corinna and Nina poke at the dead body of the Gender Critical Movement. Cause of death? Illiberalism, revulsion, femagoguery, the narcissism of small differences, group polarization, junior high social dynamics, Calvinism, puritanism, gaslighting, victimhood as currency, and so much more. Plus, Nina gets diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. Where will the Dorx go from here? Wherever it is, we’ll walk you there, for your own safety.


Revulsion Revolution: The Protective Power of Disgust by Amy Sousa: https://www.theknownheretic.com/p/revulsion-revolution-the-protective

The Art Coop (rhymes with “poop”): https://www.news-gazette.com/opinion/columns/jim-dey-terf-battle-in-urbana-averted/article_cdf7ecd4-2e0d-5759-84b7-fbbe653de2a5.html 

Corinna pisses off everyone on Twitter: https://twitter.com/heterodorx/status/1732028270831440264

ICONS: https://www.iconswomen.com/

Sex Matters: https://sex-matters.org/

National Women’s Law Center president Fatima Goss Graves hopes women learn to lose gracefully: https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1732142697425572018

The Identity Trap by Yascha Mounk: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/712961/the-identity-trap-by-yascha-mounk/

Stella O’Malley and Kellie-Jay Keen on Benjamin Boyce: https://youtu.be/OqG2gYvXm9A?si=oCis3LDOgWepe-JN

JK Rowling says “dress however you please”: https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1207646162813100033

Episode 118: Librarians Losing Their Spine, with Penny Hummel

Librarians once stood for intellectual freedom and access to information, but today many prefer to suppress speech for the sake of a misguided concept of “social justice”. One Davis, California library recently violated the First Amendment when they ejected a group of women discussing male athletes in female sports. Collections and programs are regularly distorted and compromised by ideologue librarians, while those watching in dismay fear to speak. Library consultant and advocate Penny Hummel breaks the silence to tell the Dorx what’s really happening in America’s libraries.


Penny Hummel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeeWeave

FIRE article on Davis library violating First Amendment: https://www.thefire.org/news/california-library-violates-first-amendment-boots-speakers-referring-transgender-women

FIRE’s letter to Yolo County Library: https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/fire-letter-yolo-county-library-august-24-2023

ALA Webinar, “Transgender People In Libraries”: https://elearning.ala.org/local/catalog/view/product.php?productid=1005

Does Sex Matter? panel at the Urbana Free Library, 2019: https://blog.ninapaley.com/2019/03/26/q-and-a-from-the-does-sex-matter-panel/

I Am Jazz: https://socialjusticebooks.org/i-am-jazz/

My Body Is Me by Rachel Rooney: https://www.transgendertrend.com/product/my-body-is-me/

Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/irreversible-damage-abigail-shrier/1133754701

Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Gender-Queer-A-Memoir/Maia-Kobabe/9781549304002

“NO TERFS”: https://www.news-gazette.com/opinion/columns/jim-dey-terf-battle-in-urbana-averted/article_cdf7ecd4-2e0d-5759-84b7-fbbe653de2a5.html

Episode 117: Ladies’ Autogynephilia Chat with Shannon Thrace

Shannon Thrace is a transwidow and author of the must-read novel Eighteen Months: A Memoir of a Marriage Lost to Gender Identity. She joins handmaiden pick-me tranny-lover Nina for a women’s-only talk about AUTOGYNEPHILIA, the cause célèbre currently ripping apart the TERFosphere. Is this about safeguarding and holding women’s boundaries, or is it tribal signaling? Why is it OK for David Bowie to crossdress, but not Phil Illy? Should there be different crossdressing rules for men and women? Who gets to make those rules? Where do we draw our lines? Did Nina wade into a morass or a cesspool? These are questions without definitive answers, except one: Where is Corinna? Answer: at work today, so Nina recorded and edited this episode alone.


Shannon Thrace’s essay, Genspect and AGPgate: https://shannonthrace.substack.com/p/genspect-and-agpgate

Nina’s Art Coop “NO TERFS” sign complaint: https://www.news-gazette.com/opinion/columns/jim-dey-terf-battle-in-urbana-averted/article_cdf7ecd4-2e0d-5759-84b7-fbbe653de2a5.html

Genspect Denver conference: https://genspect.org/the-bigger-picture-continues-denver-colorado/

Phil Illy: https://substack.com/profile/109324793-phil-illy

This Jungian Life: Aaron Balick – Why Does Social Media Weaponize Our Reactions? https://thisjungianlife.com/aaron_balick/

Laura Becker/Funk God: https://www.funkgod.com/

Episode 116: “Ask a Zionist” with Rabbi Jonathan Greenberg

After last weeks “Ask an Anti-Zionist,” the Dorx return to Ask a Zionist, Rabbi Jonathan Greenberg. What is a Zionist? Answer: “A person who believes that the Jews have a right to self-determination and self-protection in the ancient land of Israel,” which he says is the historical, original, biblical, literal Jewish homeland. Greenberg does not suffer discomfort with power and moral complexity. He reminds us every conceivable solution to “one of the most intractable conflicts on earth” has already been argued, and there is nothing new under the sun. “In every generation, they rise against us to destroy us.” Greenberg says Jews should arm up; culture matters; the rules of war are outdated; nobody actually cares about the Palestinians; media coverage is biased; history tells you what, philosophy tells you why; and Israel is not a colonial project, it’s a coming home. Nina asks: How will this end? Answer: ???


Jonathan Greenberg on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JGreenbergSez

Jewish Voice for Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/

If Not Now: https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/

Not In Our Name: https://notinourname.net/

Anti-Defamation League: https://www.adl.org/

Peter Beinart: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Beinart

Ze’ev Jabotinsky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ze%27ev_Jabotinsky

Jewish students barricaded in Cooper Union library: https://nypost.com/2023/10/25/news/cooper-union-barricades-jewish-students-inside-library/

Pro-Palestinian projections on George Washington University library: https://wjla.com/news/local/accusations-of-anti-semitism-on-george-washington-university-campus-after-projection-of-pro-palestinian-messages-student-group-students-for-justice-in-palestine-jewish-israel-hamas-war-dmv-washington-dc-community

The Zionist Idea by Arthur Hertzberg: https://jps.org/books/zionist-idea/

A History of Israel by Howard Sachar: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159513/a-history-of-israel-by-howard-m-sachar/