Episode 23: Trash Talk

Corinna and Nina discuss trashing, which is what feminists called canceling back in the day. Nina admits she performs gender, but not enough to be “ladyike.” When the topic suddenly pivots to antinatalism, Nina declares herself a species traitor but not a class traitor. Corinna claims to be a “human ally,” and points out that when it comes to male sterilization, there is a vas deferens between half- and full commitment. Is our primary purpose to reproduce, to eat and poop, or something else? So deep, man.

TRASHING: The Dark Side of Sisterhood: https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/trashing.htm

Episode 21: What If We Win?

The Dorx celebrate Maya Forstater’s Free Speech victory in the UK. Are the ideological tides finally turning? Nina contemplates the dissolution of friendships if the pressure of fighting against insanity is lifted. Corinna worries that Gender Critical extremists will “go after trans people.” This gradually leads to an argument about the Aimee Stephens case, in which a funeral home employee was fired for being trans – or was it for being male and violating the dress code? A TERF vs. Tranny conflict ensues, as the Dorx fail, but sincerely try, to understand each other. But in the end they are united by their common commitment to liberty, as well as their mysteriously off-putting personalities.

Maya Forstater wins: https://web.archive.org/web/20210611082614/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/10/maya-forstaters-victory-injects-good-sense-toxic-trans-debate/

MK Fain fired in 2019: https://4w.pub/fired-for-feminism/

WoLF’s amicus brief in the Aimee Stephens case: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-107/112909/20190820130044873_WoLF%20Amicus%20Harris%20v%20EEOC%20as%20filed.pdf

WoLF’s page discussing it: https://www.womensliberationfront.org/news/domoavbcjg7trx092iyjgk9r7c9rpq

Episode 20: True Trans, Good Trans, TRUSCUM, Authentic Trans, Imitation Crab, and Basketballs

The sarcasm flows like California Chardonnay as Nina and Corinna tilt their heads and discuss what the heck “true trans” might mean. On the subject of “passing,” Nina forgets to mention this quote, often attributed to PT Barnum, that sums up her position: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Then, in a dazzling display of creativity, the Dorx think of an improved Inclusive Flag that can be incorporated into fashionable shirts, and conceive a Charlotte Clymer Memorial statue. Nina looks forward to attending an upcoming women’s-only gathering in Michigan, while Corinna recalls having dined with not one but two future murderers, both of whom just happened to be…Californian.

Dana Rivers: https://www.karadansky.com/state-v-dana-rivers-updates

The Californians: https://youtu.be/dCer2e0t8r8

Episode 19: Serious Sixty and Sarcasmagoria

In this special episode (they’re ALL special! And valid!) the opening Heterodorx theme song is sung by Corinna, who unwittingly promotes a new LGBT breakfast cereal before discussing a recent episode of 60 Minutes that invoked the fury of Kellogg’s partner GLAAD, along with the ACLU, HRC, and other Men’s Rights activists. Nina cries herself to sleep over Corinna’s tragic and pathetic life; Corinna identifies as an Aquarius while Nina is Astro-nonconforming; and the Dorx are stumped by a puzzling question on Corinna’s tennis lesson application. 

60 Minutes “State Bills Would Curtail Health Care For Transgender Youth”: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-health-care-60-minutes-2021-05-23/

Corinna on Femsplainers (second half): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/when-sons-become-daughters-part-one/id1366430955?i=1000522118038

GCCAN: https://www.gccan.org/